Rabu, 24 April 2013

Highlight Lamborghini caramelo V4 Superbike

Lamborghini caramelo V4 Superbike

Lamborghini complete back in the Eighties, when Mimran own Automobile Lamborghini SpA. The idea of increasing the Powerful Bull legacy into a motorcycle wasn't so fetcher if you ask me. one more exotic brand known as Bimota did a similar thing: take a well-known, reliable Japanese made engine and put Italian styling around it.
Fast forward to become what it is and we see the appal of two-wheeled vehicles are not more when it comes to Lamborghini, Laurent Trifescu, Romanian designers compose striking looking Lamborghini Super bike. He took a number of style cues from both the Murcielago and Gallardo models, and translate into aerodynamic idea that looked like something Italian super car maker may believe producing.
Trifescu to appear with the name Caramelo Super bike, and keep in touch with the actual tradition of exotic Lamborghini, the name derived from a famous Spanish bull. In this case, Caramelo is a lion and a tiger in the Madrid arena back in 1877. Courage and strength of bison impressed the audience so that they scream for it will be spared. and name Caramelo still remember the day.
Following the true Italian spirit, Caramelo super bike supposed to be built on a tubular steel frame together with single-sided swing arm controlled by a powerful 1000cc V4 engine. Meet the design style of the Murcielago and Gallardo advantage and it is characterized by angular lines and clean surfaces.

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